In this exhibition you will be introduced to the history and presence of Swiss Anabaptism. You will gain insight into the lives and beliefs of women and men from the Emmental who came into conflict with "church and state" because of their non-conformist convictions. You will get to know their hopes and fears. And you may be amazed here and there at how topical some themes have remained to this day.
Paths to Freedom?
Your tour of this old prison will not seem like a "path to freedom". Lack of freedom is palpable at every turn. But is freedom only where no one restricts one's life, where there is no adversity? Can't freedom also consist of being challenged by limits? On the one hand, in order to examine one's own positions self-critically? On the other hand, to be prepared, in all freedom, to pay a high price for one's convictions if necessary? And thirdly, to stand up for the freedom of others?
Anabaptists were and are not always on "paths to freedom". Sometimes their paths were and are - as is the case for their opponents! - wrong paths and dead ends. But in some respects, their positions are considered forward-looking - for example, with regard to freedom of faith and conscience or the question of peace. Their testimony deserves not to be forgotten.
Quilt motifs run like a common thread through this exhibition. The making of such quilts has long been cultivated in Anabaptist circles as well. As a symbol of community and of unity in diversity, quilts will accompany you throughout the rooms.